

Review: A.G. Spalding Fountain Pen

It will come, but a here's a tease.

AG Spalding Fountain, Pen, courtesy Jet Pens
I am not an active member of Facebook or Twitter, nor is it my intention to become active.  I am not socially inclined in that terrific pool of non-friends and friends alike.   Hence, I had no idea that the Facebook and Twitter social media world is involved in ways that I was totally and completely unaware of--including offering products.

Jet Pens, is among those offering products to review just that way.  However, Lily, kindly took my reluctance to be a part of the bigger world into consideration and sent me the AG Spalding fountain pen to review knowing my penchant for writing instruments and lack of social graces in this wider world.

But I've decided after reviewing several fountain pens, quickly, perhaps too quickly, that like automobiles and bluejeans, fountain pens need to be test driven.  I am doing that with the AG Spalding.  It is keeping up nicely and will receive a thorough review after it has hit the end of its ink fill.

Thanks, Lily and Jet Pens, for the pleasure of yet another pen to write and doodle with.

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